How to Write Engaging Social Media Posts

How to Write Engaging Social Media Posts

Social media marketing and content marketing go hand-in-hand. Many of your social media efforts will likely boil down to creating blog posts and articles and then sharing those with your audience.

However, for your content to get read and shared, you need to ensure that you are approaching it correctly and have the right idea about what works on Facebook and Twitter and what doesn’t.

And by ‘working,’ what we mean is that you’re creating content that will get shared and that will get read.


Let’s take a look at how you go about doing this:


The Importance of Uniqueness


Companies with no clue about social media will create derivative and dull content. How often have you seen articles on ‘How to Get Abs’ or ‘How to Pick Up Women’? These are things that everyone wants to achieve, but the articles are written in a highly generic way that doesn’t seem to offer anything new.

On the other hand, you have those ‘clickbait’ articles that go the other way. They are either incredibly hyperbolic, or they create some kind of mystery so that people will be tempted to click. They might be ‘The One Amazing Trick That Will Give You INCREDIBLE Abs Overnight’ or ‘You’ll NEVER Believe the One Herb That Men Are Using to Get Women Into Bed!’. These titles work because they grab attention and offer something completely new… but rarely does the actual content deliver on its promise.

Instead, try to use the same strategy while actually offering something good. How about: ‘How Cardio Acceleration Burns 73% More Fat’ or ‘How Expert Pick Up Artists Apply Cognitive Behavioural Therapy To Amazing Effect‘. These articles include technical-sounding terms that people haven’t heard of and suggest something new – thus making them likely to click. At the same time, though, these are actual meaty subjects that you can write about and deliver on your promise with.


Your Reader ‘Persona’


At the same time, always have in mind your ‘reader persona’. This is a fictional profile of the type of person your content is aimed at. If you get this right, there should be a specific section of your audience for whom the content is perfect. This makes them far more likely to share as a way to express themselves – because your content reflects their personality – and it means that their friends are more likely to share it with them, knowing that they’re like it.

Remember that at its core, social media is a communication tool. If your content facilitates communication and expression, then it will succeed!

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